India is presently in a state of transition economically, emographically, and epidemiologically in terms of health. While the last decade has seen remarkable economic development particularly in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate, unfortunately this progress is accompanied by growing disparities between the rich and the poor. There is strong evidence to suggest that this income inequality or disparity between the different socioeconomic classes is associated with worse health outcomes. Widening the gap between the rich and the poor has damaging health and social consequences. To address this issue the government has been on providing “Aarogyasri” flagship scheme of all health initiatives of the State Government with a mission to provide quality healthcare to the poor. The aim of the Government is to achieve "Health for All". The scheme provides financial assistance to BPL families to meet the catastrophic health needs. The state government has also started “Basti Dawakhana” an urban health initiative. Despite this the general public especially the BPL families have not been able to receive basic health needs, primarily due to lack of infrastructure. Hence, ABV Foundation has been working to particularly to strengthen government facilities as well as creating awareness on health & hygiene in schools and community. The following are some of the areas which we have targeted based on the need analysis;
Hospital on Wheels – With the support of CSR initiative, ABV Foundation has been able to provide two government hospitals in Hyderabad district with Ambulance fully equipped with medical devices, a qualified doctor and a registered nurse. These ambulances travel within 5 kms radius of the hospital and provide free basic health care services along with medication to the general public. The ambulance also refers patients suffering from complicated or advance illness to the nearest government facility.
Nutrition Support – lack of nutrition among infants and children has been a major issue for the state of Telangana. According to National Family Health Survey 5 report, children under the age of 5 years, 33% are stunted, 22% are wasting, 9% are severe wasting, 32% are underweight and 70% are anaemic. To address this issue, ABV Foundation has been supporting projects like “Healthy Baby Show” and others to create awareness on the importance of Nutrition and provide nutritional support to children at schools and community.
ABV Foundation believes education is the most powerful weapon. In order to ensure every child has access to free and quality education, the foundation is collaborating with the Telangana state education department. After Covid-19 pandemic, the government schools have seen rise in admissions. However, the government schools do not have infrastructure to support the recent change. Hence, the focus of the foundation has been to assist the education department in raising funds to develop infrastructure. With the support of both Corporate and Government aided institutions we are successfully raising funds to improve the infrastructure of government schools.
Women’s economic participation and empowerment are fundamental to strengthening women’s rights and enabling them to have control over their lives and exert influence in society. The economic empowerment of women is a prerequisite for sustainable development. Gender equality and empowered women are catalysts for multiplying development efforts.
Government of India has enacted various rules and regulations within the constitutional framework to improve female representation in different professions. Currently, a majority of female workforce in India is unskilled. Skill is the bridge between job and workforce. Skill development is a key to improve employability and income-earning opportunities for women and for enhancing sustainable rural development and livelihoods. Social outcomes are reflected in indicators of income inequality and poverty.
ABV Foundation is providing free vocational courses to adolescent girls and young women from weaker socio-economic families. The foundation has currently established 12 skill development centers in urban slums across Secundrabad and Hyderabad. Currently, we are providing 3 months vocational courses on Tailoring, Embroidery, Beautician and Jute bag making and have trained more than 2000 adolescents and young women. We plan to expand our activities and establish more 30 skill development to benefit adolescent girls and young women across Hyderabad and Secunderabad.